
I'm lurking and I'm stalking when you least expect it

we must spread communism in defecation

‹‹ 87654321 ››

there are jumpscares

spanish or vanish -funny green bird

@jeffalo please follow me i want to brag

i just heard a weird noise at my school i fear

a Australian possum lives in my roof and has for the last 4 years it has a kid its very fat (we feed it left overs) and i love it

tomorrow i will be giving away $10 to my friend @polygon

@polygon you are a socialist

minecraft legends is a good game and if you disagree with me that is ok

“you may be a charged creeper but I've been charged with murder” -dragoon

we must spread communism in defecation

@polygon live your life pls

if you help me invade poland and re-build Prussia i will give you a hand shake

commit unaliven’t

commit unaliven’t

‹‹ 87654321 ››