
realest deal

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hi i’m flux (formerly lolz, IDC what you call me just call me either “lolz” or “flux”)

in my free time I…

  • program stupid shit

  • play minecraft

  • do stupid things in Roblox studio

more about me…

  • i’m a Muslim ☪

  • I like minecraft modding

  • high school

  • Arabic (Algerian) (I can only say/write basic stuff and make grammatical errors a LOT)

  • #freepalestine

  • I own like 6 domains at this point (this count WILL change)

I’m learning Godot to make a memorial for my pet parakeet who sadly passed away yesterday.

Fly high ❤

i’m back

i lost @lolzifyx :(

something happened to my github (login method)

sodium kinda dead until summer

Time to start ultimate midnight school grind


Wow I was dumb, that’d be really hard to do on Scratch without making your own Cloud Servers or something

{"_id":"62fd9aaa1998fa5ef8c14dbf","poster":{"name":"burrito","id":"623108f909dd2804f2bff965"},"content":"<blockquote><pre><code>no cap wenomechainsama</code></pre></blockquote>","repost":{"_id":"62fd10521998fa5ef8c14c73","poster":{"name":"cequallium","id":"624cf92909dd2804f2c01ef6"},"content":"<p>i am at the brink of insanity</p>","repost":{"_id":"62f64caecaeec4f18ddb3398","poster":{"name":"burrito","id":"623108f909dd2804f2bff965"},"content":"<blockquote><ul><li><p><mark><strong><em><u><s>AMONG US LOL</s></u></em></strong></mark></p></li><li><p><mark><strong><em><u><s>Whajdkememdlfkfmdmdmd</s></u></em></strong></mark></p></li></ul></blockquote><blockquote><pre><code>THISISCURSED\n\nA̷̧͑̂͌͆̾͗̈́͒̀̔̚̚͜͝͝Ą̴̛̛̭̬̹̟͈̺̩̀̓͑́́̓͆̍̏̔̌̀̈́͒̉́͛́̇͆̄̈́̊̚͠͝Ą̴̨̼̬̖̟̪̥̩̹̠̲̺͎͈̩̗̩͕̺̠͙̤̘̱̼̝̭̟̇͐̄͋͂͊̀͐͐́̽̿̎͒́́͌̋̒́͗́̎͒̇͆̀̊̋̈̉͘̕͝͝ͅA̵̧̢̼̩̤̻̟͚̖̗̲͕̙͉̥̯͐̀̏̄́̏̍͂̊͂̊̄Ạ̴̢̢̢̡̨̛̭̗͙̙̖̟̘̯̱̯͇͚̩͕̦̜͈̰̳̪̻̠̰͚̳͔̱̜̣̓̈́͂̈́̾̀̏̒̉͂̓̈́̾͋̐̉͑́̏͂̏́̈̍̕Â̶̢̛͈̪̟̰̬͕̲͓͈̞̥̮̳̤̪̟̞̮̜̥̱̌͋̑͋͊̍͒̈̌́̂̑̋̂̏͛͘͜͜͝Ȧ̷͓̪͔͕͍̬̯̳͉͕̘̜̞̺̥̈́͋̊̌̕Ą̷͔̻̞̘̪͓̣̼̩̬̺̳̦̻̫̐̏͗̀̀́̈́͛͛̂̂̈̃̂̇̽̈́̈́̃̈͛͛̇̏̚͠͠A̷̛̛̝̯͌́̌̋̀͋́̓̈̓̊͂̑̋̽̋͑́̎̊͋̍̋̏̽̀̀͐̈͐̌̀̽͝͝͠ ̸̡̛͈̫͔̳͇͚̜̦̝͚͇̱̟̤͚͙͕͍͍͍͙̬̟̣̥͋̀͛̎̔̎̈́̇̑̔̓̽̀͐̅̈͋́̆̅̀͑̓͘͜͝͝͝W̵̧̥͙̘̻͍̖͇̩͔̣͔͚̗͎͔͕͍̞̹͈̹̅̑̓͗͂́̔̑̄̾͘͝H̴̟̞̟̰̋͐̿̈́̅͛̈̋̋̀̍̾̈́̊͊̒̇̀̈́̄̚̚͝Ą̵̨̞̥̠͍͔̟̝̱͚̰̯̤͎̥̝̣̦̱͇͇̠̯̍̓̋̀͌̈́̃̔́̔̊̈́͆̄̈́́̐̾̎́̅̆͛̋͛̊̈̇̇̅͂̈͌̃́̋͂̈̒̔̊̒̓̚̚͘̚͜͝͠͝Ţ̶̢̢̛̪͚̪͎͍̤͖̗͍̰̦̰͓̫͓̝̮̹̟̻̬͂͗̉̃̓̈́̈́̄́̍̀́͗̌́̆̂̓̃̒̀́̄͆͂̒͆̅̀̂͋̌̆̉̽̐̓́̓͒̂̋̕̕͘̚͘͝͝Į̷̡̼̩͙̘̳̖̪͉͌̎̌́̐́͊̂͗̈́̾̾̾̔͗̎̋͋̏͋͋͗͊̂̒͂̈́̔̐̉͑̑͘̚͠͝͝S̶̨̢̢̡̖̗͓̺̲̪͕͈̹̟̩͎̙̜̦͖̦̲̻̖̭͔̹̙͓̭̳̭̦͛̈́̈͗͋̊̈́̇̾͑́̍͊̆̓͌̓̊͋̓͂̈́̍̍̆̐̆͋̀̕͘͠͝͠Ḩ̸̨̢̢̠̬̩̟̳͔̼̦̭̲̝͖̘̯̣̝̘͚̩̯̫̮̞̠͉̙̱̰̯͛͆͊̀̽͝͠ͅͅ

I’ve come to a conclusion that I might post every other day while trying to get better grades at the same time. No promises though.

(In summer I’ll do a daily post :])

I probably made my last post sound dramatic but I don’t want to share the fact that I am currently failing most of my classes and getting too distracted. Will be back in a few weeks (after conferences). So it’s not that long. For now I might be active on weekends commenting here and there but not posting. So less of “farewell” and more of “see you later”. I was tired yesterday since I posted it at like 1 AM so I just made a short post explaining that I’m taking a break.

Okay due to personal reasons I genuinely have to leave this website. Goodbye guys, thanks to all my friends and even people I’ve known since I’ve joined. Please don’t DM me on Discord asking why either, I won’t ever address it but bye bye. Thank you all.

Also funny worth mentioning that my sisters were VERY, VERY toxic to each other even on this website rather than IRL.

Feb 16, 2023, 5:16 AM
7 0 2

Holy cow my computer is dying inside. It’s Memory usage is at like 3.65 GB… and it’s super slow right now… help 💀

Context menus take 4 seconds to load… what?!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Too bad I’m lonely, but honestly I don’t care.

I did like the fact that when my friend sent me a GIF with the caption “me on Feb 14th:” I sent the “No bitches?” image I had saved.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Too bad I’m lonely, but honestly I don’t care.

I did like the fact that when my friend sent me a GIF with the caption “me on Feb 14th:” I sent the “No bitches?” image I had saved.

I’ve been on wasteof for what’ll soon become 2 years this summer :D