
amateur dev


Which language should I actually learn to use? Instead of make poopy websites.

I’m horrible at Python, suck at JS, and stupid when it comes to HTML.

Also, the language has to be available on repl.it lol.

RESOLVED: Not language, but an engine, Kaboom! (used for 2D games)

Dec 14, 2021, 2:10 PM
0 0 0

Beat my high:

1 month.


Drinking fresh water in the morning:

Drinking water from the bottle in your room you haven’t refilled the past week:

Why I was banned:

So, me and my sister got into an arguement with a hater. She found a way to bypass censorbot, (by doing stuff like fu[BEEP], what idiots). I made a funny project about a comment they made, they got their friends to spam report, and when we FINALLY got along I was banned.

Idiot behind all this: Ajay-che (now banned lol)

Things that suck in Scratch:

  • can’t broadcast messages to other projects

  • can’t print text without having to make a engine

  • images always go bitmap and get blurred a lot

  • scratch team is too harsh, i was banned for a joke with no warning.

Things that suck in Scratch:

  • can’t broadcast messages to other projects

  • can’t print text without having to make a engine

  • images always go bitmap and get blurred a lot

  • scratch team is too harsh, i was banned for a joke with no warning.

Lol, so true :)

I’m gonna make a chat bot using Scratch and it’ll be for lonely people,

like me

Drinking fresh water in the morning:

Drinking water from the bottle in your room you haven’t refilled the past week:


Dec 10, 2021, 3:24 PM
6 1 0

My plans for my website:

  • Display some Scratch projects

  • Links to socials (Discord and this)

  • More CSS designs and JS tools

  • Cool projects on front page

  • MMAGRv2 and more progress bars

  • Basically everything a good site has nowadays

I’m actually intending to learn JS to make my website useful.


Dec 9, 2021, 3:25 PM
2 0 0

Attempting to recreate Geometry Dash in Scratch.

Progress: 8%

Dec 8, 2021, 11:47 PM
1 0 7

I set up a certificate and now my site runs with HTTPS,


Would there be a way to contact ST without email or phone?! Like they don’t even respond to me anymore, and I don’t have a SIM card.


Put any user after /users/ to see their stats,

I currently have 212 posts!