
realest deal

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hi i’m flux (formerly lolz, IDC what you call me just call me either “lolz” or “flux”)

in my free time I…

  • program stupid shit

  • play minecraft

  • do stupid things in Roblox studio

more about me…

  • i’m a Muslim ☪

  • I like minecraft modding

  • high school

  • Arabic (Algerian) (I can only say/write basic stuff and make grammatical errors a LOT)

  • #freepalestine

  • I own like 6 domains at this point (this count WILL change)

finishing school work is so satisfying…

i always found my multimedia class projects so boring but they’re actually very fun!

this feels scummy

if you follow my main (@lolzify) i’ll also follow you on that account, so +2 follows for you whilst i only get 1

Let’s be real, the best years were 2013 to 2018

Not saying 2019 to 2024 suck, but they’re just… different

Nov 22, 2023, 6:45 PM
6 1 6

nintendo said if i want to get the location of my switch i have to get the police involved? ok, bet

i would love if scratch implemented scripting with javascript or c++ (or python)

it would attract a lot more people to the platform including me, and it would help people get a basic understanding of text-based langs

edit: if anyone wants to actually try this out, try ApuC

Nov 22, 2023, 5:03 PM
5 0 7

help me steal the moon

help me deliver the rarefraction cell to looks to the moon

Nobody has hated you or even had beef with you for the past 4 months.

i'm literally the yaseen of wasteof.money - many people hate me and make up lies about me because i post incoherent shitposts, but i have a cult (affectionate) that agree with everything i do

random thought

why are literally all security cameras fucking dogshit

it looks like they put up a potato running android 6 and called it a “security” camera

i seriously hate my school

“oh well we can’t do anything about it because we can’t accuse random students even if we have video evidence!”

if they gave me a single frame where their face or even their outfit was visible i could literally crack the case in an hour or two.

i’m gonna disable the switch and hope the person turns themselves in from fear. why did i ever choose to go to a school full of criminals…

Nov 21, 2023, 9:54 PM
8 1 0

i seriously hate my school

“oh well we can’t do anything about it because we can’t accuse random students even if we have video evidence!”

if they gave me a single frame where their face or even their outfit was visible i could literally crack the case in an hour or two.

i’m gonna disable the switch and hope the person turns themselves in from fear. why did i ever choose to go to a school full of criminals…

Nov 21, 2023, 9:54 PM
8 1 0

i have an english project due in 2 hours and i haven’t even started

i know, three posts in a day is pretty wacky BUT

would it make sense for my blog project to have a ratelimit of 3 new blog posts per 5 minutes, 250 views per hour (it doesn’t make a db query for everytime someone reloads the page, the posts are cached and the list is refreshed everytime a new post is made so the db doesn’t feel stressed), and a 50 requests per minute for the api (the api makes a new db query for each request)

i might upload a new youtube video about it sometime soon but i’m grounded so y’all will have to wait a few weeks lol…

some interesting features about the blog:

  • 100% flask, python, pymongo

  • FIRST time i’ve used fetchapi (to make an admin panel)

  • probably my biggest project that functions properly

  • my first time using tailwind css

  • my first time making json configuration files (you can customize fonts, theme color, admin accounts, etc.)

  • first version on github was made in 4 hours (didn’t have much, no admin panel or CSS)

  • latest version made in about 12 hours of work (2 seperate days of work)

Nov 20, 2023, 9:18 PM
6 0 0

Thoughts on Unix timestamps? I think it’s a simple way of globally tracking time

It’s not even that hard to turn a unix timestamp into a datetime value in Python, even using Flask

Nov 20, 2023, 9:09 PM
5 0 1

Update: They reviewed the camera footage from the hallways on Friday and they confirmed someone broke into the locker rooms and they are currently trying to identify them. Shouldn’t be too hard since there’s only ~20 boys in my gym class.

I got the police involved, they said if my school doesn’t do anything on Monday I can file a report and they’ll investigate.

Someone stole my Switch from my backpack in the boys locker room during gym. Fuck my school.

Forgot to mention: my school’s administrator is an actual dickhead and he said “What do you want me to do? Check the cameras?”, YES, THAT’S LITERALLY ALL I WANT

(By cameras, he means the hallway cameras in case someone went in during class)

Nov 19, 2023, 2:18 AM
14 1 15

I got the police involved, they said if my school doesn’t do anything on Monday I can file a report and they’ll investigate.

Someone stole my Switch from my backpack in the boys locker room during gym. Fuck my school.

Forgot to mention: my school’s administrator is an actual dickhead and he said “What do you want me to do? Check the cameras?”, YES, THAT’S LITERALLY ALL I WANT

(By cameras, he means the hallway cameras in case someone went in during class)

Nov 19, 2023, 2:18 AM
14 1 15