
realest deal

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hi i’m flux (formerly lolz, IDC what you call me just call me either “lolz” or “flux”)

in my free time I…

  • program stupid shit

  • play minecraft

  • do stupid things in Roblox studio

more about me…

  • i’m a Muslim ☪

  • I like minecraft modding

  • high school

  • Arabic (Algerian) (I can only say/write basic stuff and make grammatical errors a LOT)

  • #freepalestine

  • I own like 6 domains at this point (this count WILL change)

there’s no way my school blocked jsfiddle 2 hours after i used it

Dec 5, 2023, 3:39 PM
9 0 7


this is the average man’s dreams

zylenox is kind of a crazy youtuber because he went from being really good at geometry dash and verifying some of the hardest levels and also creating some of the most famous geometry dash levels ever to completely quitting the game and playing Minecraft where he proceeded to get the RSG world record

it’s rare you find someone who’s that skilled at more than one video game

I would translate wasteof to Chinese, but the issue with that is I don’t know Chinese.

its crazy how chromebooks can be exploited tbh

literally half the bag of jellybeans are just flavors that shouldn’t exist

tfw you find out the code you’ve been trying to make work for 7 hours wasn’t working because you accidentally redefined every variable in a forever loop and everything kept resetting

i might buy a 3ds to replace my switch

at least i can carry it in my pocket and not put it in a locker

(ofc i’ll mod it)

you ever just hear a song and have dramatic flashbacks of your favorite memories, or is that just me?

working on my makecode arcade rpg game!!

i’m currently writing the battle engine! similar to pokemon’s but with less choices because i’m lazy and only adding “Block” and “Attack”

i’d say 10% of the game is done and idk if i’ll ever “release” it (since i don’t think you can compile makecode arcade to an executable file)

edit: turns out i can embed it in a webpage or just upload the uf2 file to itch.io (you can load it on arcade.makecode.com or on your own makecode arcade system i think?)

Nov 25, 2023, 12:38 AM
7 0 2

day three of procrastinating

Nov 24, 2023, 3:46 PM
8 0 0

am i bad at math or am i bad at javascript

function control_loop() {
    if (controller.dx() > 0) {
        if (x_vel > 40) {
            x_vel = 40
        } else {
            x_vel += 10
    } else if (!(controller.dx() < 0)) {
        if (x_vel < 0 && x_vel != 0) {
            x_vel -= 10
    if (controller.dx() < 0) {
        if (x_vel < -40) {
            x_vel = -40
        } else {
            x_vel -= 10
    } else if (!(controller.dx() > 0)) {
        if (x_vel < 0 && x_vel != 0) {
            x_vel -= 10

for context, this code just checks if you have an arrow key pressed and then it’ll change the x velocity to move the player, but the left movement isn’t working (player’s velocity won’t reset like normal)

TIL that i can set a sprite’s velocity in makecode arcade right after i spent 3 hours implementing a physics engine from nothing!

wasteof.money has something twitter doesn’t have — a ceo who isn’t tryharding to be relevant