
Owned by @JamieD132

This is inspired by @/leaderboard, but contains a list of 3477 users rather than a mere hundred.

This isn’t updated automatically though.

Sorted by followers —> https://wasteof.money/posts/66ad69eca72473bb78ed1884

Sorted by following —> https://wasteof.money/posts/66add413a72473bb78ed1984

Sorted by join date —> (pending)

Sorted a-z —> (pending)

Aug 2, 2024, 9:50 PM
2 0 0

New leaderboard in order of following!

The numbers are start at 3486. idk why https://wasteof.money/posts/66add413a72473bb78ed1984

Aug 3, 2024, 10:38 PM
4 0 0

This is inspired by @/leaderboard, but contains a list of 3477 users rather than a mere hundred.

This isn’t updated automatically though.

Sorted by followers —> https://wasteof.money/posts/66ad69eca72473bb78ed1884

Sorted by following —> https://wasteof.money/posts/66add413a72473bb78ed1984

Sorted by join date —> (pending)

Sorted a-z —> (pending)

Aug 2, 2024, 9:50 PM
2 0 0