
betatester of wasteof 3, very epic

wasteof.money is the best social media in existence

i need only one more follower to be on the explore show more page in wasteof3!

I’m not verified but this badge will do 😎


make this post have the most reposts

i tried to build a wasteof.money logo in minecraft

i’m bored

suggest something for me to do

@jackybordercollie you have your video featured on jeffalo’s wasteof3 sidebar!11


Apr 26, 2022, 10:04 PM
7 1 3

ok, so here’s some bugs that i’ve found so far:

  • you can edit others profiles when you go to their profiles from your profile page (i didn’t edit anyone’s profile btw)

  • the edit profile button doesn’t appear sometimes on your profile

new button?

oh look, a heading button in beta!

just noticed that the button to edit the sidebar doesn’t show up sometimes

thanks jeffalo for a beta invite!

posted this from beta


i’ve just checked the wasteof money beta page, and there’s a login!

edit: it’s for those who have beta invite :(

edit: i have beta invite B)

Apr 25, 2022, 10:56 AM
3 0 6