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I think I found “Elaruu”’s school

What is it?

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say it but it’s in Sydney

:o how do you know though? Did they accept your registration?

Never mind it was wrong - and no, not yet.

Very “official” lol

We all have Elaruu cats now lol

Did you make alts to follow yourself lol

What? No… well I made some alts, but it wasn’t to follow myself. I just did :P

Oh ok, what are the alts for then?

Well, I was kinda like “I had 350 alts on scratch, but I only have one on this website and it’s banned! I should make some more… :)” (and then I decided to follow myself with them two of them)

Fair enough lol, I have at least 15 alts here

If you want a faster start on PCE, go to the Raffles & Giveaways section of the forums, people are giving out cats and other stuff.

Cool, I’ll check it out…

Whereabouts is it?

If you go on any page, there’s a link to the forums below your custom cat (specifically below your friend requests) and then you just scroll down to Raffles & Giveaways. Then, you can go on any thread, read the main post for the rules, and participate in the giveaways and raffles. Since a lot of them are specifically for users who joined for End of Beta, there’s not always that many people participating and you can get a lot of goodies.

You’re welcome 👍

https://elaruu.w3spaces.com For the 11th of November entry in the timeline, is it 700 or 7000?

Um.. I think it’s probably supposed to be 1000 :/ I’ll fix it…

You have a darflen account?

I created one once I think, I never used it though

Okay (I followed you)

Thanks, I would follow you to if I knew how to use darflen at all

What do you not understand lol

uh… how do you get to darflen? Is it darflen.com, is it dardl.en, is it darflen.io or what. And then when you get to it, how do you log in? Is there a log in button somewhere? Afterwards, I need to know how to find a user. Is there a user search feature, or not? (like scratch). And when I find your profile, would there be a follow button there? Do I press it?

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wait a sec I think I figured it all out myself

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Check patito’s profile on pixel cat’s end, and then mine :D

What about it?

Opinion on the new wiki page for Elaruu?

Very cool! I like how you included the iconic profile picture, so everyone who reads it knows what Elaruu looks like. The only thing I would change is that the citations look like they are part of the trivia lol

Yeah, idk if there’s much I can do about that except add a few extra lines :P

https://scratchpeople.fandom.com/wiki/Scratchpeople_Wiki New wiki, old one is dead and the owner is inactive. Also there’s no typo in this one.

cool! I’ll look later because fandom is blocked at school

thanks for reminding me lol, i’ll look now

I made a page about you :) but it’s not very complete because I have to verify every statement with a citation lol

Thanks, lol, it looks good so far! :)

counting scratch jr as a programming language must be a crime 💀

It’s harder than most

fair point

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