Are you keeping this pfp then

I actually like ur new pfp better than the old one except I keep thinking ur a different person

We’re trying to start a wasteof Bible study, you want me to add you? It’s on discord

i can’t use discord because my parents 😭

have u finished school yet? hopefully you have

nominating you for the easiest to remember name award

Lol that's cap 🤣

What happened to ur pfp?

Wowwww so mysterious

April fools! (…I think…???)

It would have been funnier if I spoke in a foreign language the entire day tbh

hablas español?

Un pocito.

(My main languages are English and German. I'm still on the basic level of Spanish.)

ok, I thought you did since you said you were mexican in a post. It's cool, though, it's just been trying to find other native Spanish speakers in here

Oh yeah. I am Mexican, however I am the only one on my dad's side of the family who cannot speak Spanish. My dad's side refuses to talk to me in English, so I guess you could say I'm the “disgrace” of my Mexican family side

Hey, you and radi8 want to join forces with me and silly and push eastwards? radi8 already agreed to it.

My focus is currently on the West Coast, however I’ll start helping to push eastwards at some point

Also, I can’t really push eastward from where I’m located, however I can supply troops

if you unlike the ratio and like my post, i'll tag you in my post so your name will be memorialized on all-time trending. (how's that compared to a cookie) 😏

I'm good. I don't need help to get trending. Thanks for the offer though :) no hard feelings?

can I have Sweetwater county in Wyoming please

Maybe… if you let me through Utah to Idaho

(@choose-a-password is my alt so that’s how I found out about your existence)

Cool cool :D

have you seen your wasteof Wrapped?

I tried, however it said I had 0 posts

yes, you have not been scraped