
Joined 14 years ago ........................................................................... My YouTube: Pacifiky. MERN Stack Web Developer, Video Editor, 3D artist, Bad Programmer. Professionally Immature

My YouTube is Pacifiky if anyone cares

gonna make my pfp anime and see how much I get harassed

They should make a dm system

Lol nah

Why the heck are there furry emojis? 😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾

How do u get two lines on ur about section

How do U Upload pictures???

Saw people posting scratch accs so yea https://scratch.mit.edu/users/lucasletian/

The fact that

Feed, Home, and Explore 

are not capitalized is bugging me so much

my business email is [email protected] Yea ik crap name

I’m so immature

If y’all wanna add me my roblox is iccme

Bro I started school a month ago

Dude copied

why did elon musk pay for twitter anyways? it’s free on the appstore.


Popular Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade passed away a few hours ago, he was a great person, and never gave up on the face of cancer, here’s the the video his father made to inform everyone: youtu.be/DPMluEVUqS0

technoblade’s legacy never dies

Gensh literally means underwear

Religion is not an excuse for discrimination

Edit: like this post if you think genshin impact is a good game kidding kidding

Aug 23, 2022, 5:38 PM
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