
I am a goofy cat therian and furry and I love bluey.

tifub telling my mom about the youtube channel, “Aussie girl Margie“.

Margie does bluey videos and I watch their videos a lot. A few of their videos have references to the lgbtqia. are you wondering why this is a problem? My mom’s homophobic and transphobic. she made me and my siblings stop watching shi-rah because “being gay is not ok“. she wouldn’t let me go to a certan school because It HaD rEcOrDs Of HaVeInG a LoT oF tRaNs KiDs. My mom might make us stop whatching bluey.

My friend told me and some other friends that her parents don’t feed her when she gets bad grades which is punishable by law.

Today I was thinking about cigarettes in math (2nd out of 7 period) class and made a mini cigarette out of paper and showed it to my friend and she said “you are evil (lol)“ and someone else wanted one and I made like 4 and more and more people started wanting them so became a fake cigarette generator.