
I never lose time editing my profile || Nothing better than True Belgian Chocolate.

And when I finally found out something to post, nobody reacts, but when I don’t make an inspired post, everyone like it. The wasteofmoney algorithm is strange.

Every time I go on https://wasteof.money, I want to post something, but most of the time I have no idea what to post. Is this the case for you too?

Why is the wasteof.money extension called wasteofplus rather than wasteofmore? It's not logical.

Every time I go on https://wasteof.money, I want to post something, but most of the time I have no idea what to post. Is this the case for you too?

Finished my second attempt to a good looking personal website : https://replit.com/@cldprv/cldprv?v=1

It looks… Pretty cool

I made a replit extension these last days (Actually 3 months, but otherwise it sounds bad…) : Pixilit, make pixelart right in your repl.

Check it out if you’re an explorer!

Jun 14, 2023, 6:32 PM
2 0 0

Now reaching the 1000 runs on replit, so cool. (and 10 dollar tip thanks to codergautamYt)

Just finished my first good working game on replit : https://replit.com/@cldprv/Darky?v=1

… After 2 months of work…

Just finished my first good working game on replit : https://replit.com/@cldprv/Darky?v=1

… After 2 months of work…


firefox > google chrome






This is a secret message, decode it.

May jeffalo make wasteof.money open-source?

Sep 3, 2022, 1:39 PM
4 1 2