We became verfied on the biggest social media platform just now, time to resteal the moon.
Did you know you can take a picture from space with just your phone and going outside!!!
But don’t do it we own space, so you will lose money
Supersonic death ray that can, idk, blow up stars?
Yeah, that would be fun
but we already have that, too bad
Guys, we got plans to just make one of the 7 world wonders into a rocket. Any ideas to which one?
I feel like another space launch, like a rocket launch exploration thing
were thinking of moding one of our heat-seeking satellites comment on what we should attach!!!
Hey, Hey, Hey, Party People!
We decided that we might make our own country but not sure yet! as we still need some funds…,
who wants to give us money!
Just started developing giant heat-seeking satellite!!!
Sorry @united_nations
OMG, guy, you won’t believe what we saw over our satellites!
(spy satellites, yes NASA see’s all of your sh*ts and giggles)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today in we shall launch our newest rocket, The Sock, on deep space exploration, in search of sentient life forms.
yes, I find this a good use of tax revenue