

treat me like white cheese

what the hell a proxy that I use sometimes has been under maintenance twice in less than a week

I’m concerned for what hes on

if you stare at a wall for over 3 seconds you start hearing it whisper scary things

alaska is bigger than the uk

staying up till 12 am is fun

somebody once told me the world was macaroni

My mom always says how “messy” room is meanwhile her room is super messy too so like should she really be the one talking

how is it less than a week till april like no its still january

how is it less than a week till april like no its still january

I had chinese for the first time this morning and 3 kids have already switched to spanish- If the kids like Spanish, I’m switching. if they don’t, I’m not. (by morning like 10 am but I usually come on here after school)

Once upon a time like a month ago I swallowed shampoo. It tasted like fruit.

I am a living weirdo who spreads weird to all

My mom: thinks that me doing 2 things (band which is at school and youth group which barely counts because its on weekdays) is a lot

The kids at my school who do like 20 things: