
nobody likes my minecraft news

Follow me as I am the most og of all og’s and in fact, very, very og.

the other day I went to a health thingy about driving with my class and we had a guy who got like brain damaged or something and he was actually really cool and chill. suprisingly, i enjoyed the trip which i first expected to be boring.

Today I realized that I was able to apply the current math im learning to a weird Roblox game with gambling mechanics. I didn't apply it because its still Sunday and Sunday is no math unless it's homework.

reminder that you can disagree on a certain topic with someone and still respect eachother

Are your initials an element? Mine are

today something magical happened. i updated my bios and it fixed a bug. WHAT THE asofhash????

Me when the fibre optic cables for Wi-Fi don't transmit the WiFi and I have no Wi-Fi

This morning, I noticed that my voice is deeper right after I wake up

what the heck even happened in ‘23

i did something??

its only 8:30 for me btw

Jan 1, 2024, 1:31 AM
7 0 0

This morning I woke up and wanted to know what time it was and the clock that's normally on my bed fell onto the floor last night so I looked at the clock on the wall and it said like 3:45 or something and I got very confused and looked back like 10 seconds later and it was still the same time. The battery was dead… it was only like 9:30 when I woke up so we bing chilling

happy saucemas

im still here.

a l w a y s w a t c h i n g

anyone know how to decode an nfc card to actual readable text?

i would translate wasteof to english but I dont know it

does anyone even know english?

i would translate wasteof to mifernian, but i don’t know mifernian

does anyone ACTUALLY know mifernian‽

I would translate wasteof to Chinese, but the issue with that is I don’t know Chinese.

Today I found a p2w Minecraft server and found a dupe. I abused the dupe and basically beat the game. Slight issue tho, the server rarely has 1 player on it…


I was really tempted to run this on the subway the other day