
welcome to hell. this is @Paradock alt account (because I lost my main due to a broken password recovery system (works for everyone else?? surely.))

Welcome to @Paradock Alt account! I cannot log to my other account because of a bug making the account recovery link invalid!

Check out Darflen: https://darflen.com

Find me on:

Darflen: https://darflen.com/users/paradock

Github: https://github.com/Paradockz

Discord: @paradock

Jul 13, 2022, 9:23 PM
4 0 0

I don’t see any wide and long parking lots everywhere

the top users on wasteof.money pretty much have their OC or a picture of an animal as their profile picture

Oct 21, 2023, 3:11 AM
5 0 4

For every likes, I

this website is now goldfish themed

how long can I keep my first gen ipad air before it breaks

why is it indestructible compared to every other ipads we have in our home

1 love = 1 push-up

you already know what to do

family, faith, freedom… i mean what the hell is that, can i have a slice?

Time for dinner!

0.40506329113% of users on wasteof.money follows me. if the same I had the same percentage on youtube, I would 10 millions subscribers

but only one of them is a good place to be

misread that as gay sex and all of its comments

why is everyone just commenting “gex”??

Sep 13, 2023, 10:31 AM
31 5 43
Sep 13, 2023, 11:10 PM
4 1 1

Darflen is down for now

being a wasteof user for 2+ years is great

I think twitter screenshot from @jeffalo got in an EzPz video at 4:32


I did a 5k on my treadmill in 23:45! You can take the time with a grain of salt because I did not do it outside :)

my version of this is by making my cursor speed faster and faster up to the point of barely moving my mouse to go each screen sides. I got used to it so badly, I can not go back and I sometimes change the speed on any computers I touch :(

my version of this is starting to watch youtube at 1.25x, and then 1.5x, and now 2x. i literally cannot enjoy online video below 2x. it’s gotten so out of hand that i made myself tools to watch videos at 2x on other platforms.

help i accidentally got used to reverse (mac) scrolling and now i cant go back