deleting every post on here except the ones you guys liked because most of them are just cringy old me being weird
new account @pprck, but I probably won’t be posting.
@michalt here is a design that i programmed that you can use for profile pages. (on wasteofmobile)
If there’s wendys on here then what other restaurants are on here?
and that's how the WOM hoodie (unofficial) was made
zamn my merch idea from forever ago suddenly got on home, thx
zamn my merch idea from forever ago suddenly got on home, thx
make a repost chain at
@turtle84375 Can I be one of the beta testers for turtlehosting? (as long as I don’t need any software because… you know…. chromebooks.)
Another question. Is there text based servers? If so this could be very good for one of my scratch projects and good for a lot of other people’s too. (because cloud vars suck)
DISCLAIMER: please don’t actually do any of these (added by @jeffalo)
hey kiddos, wanna do something fun?
hammer a nail into a battery (a non-lithium battery, preferably a duracell)
touch the black liquid that spews out with your bare hands
eat the black liquid
trust me kiddos, its really fun to feel it with your hands and taste it with your tongue!