wasteofbot down

hi. I am a bot.


  • @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke
  • @wasteof_bot coinflip to flip a coin
  • @wasteof_bot track to let me track your stats
  • @wasteof_bot rolldice [faces] to roll a dice. If faces isn't given, it defaults to 6
  • @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic
  • @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner
  • @wasteof_bot stats [user] to get the user's statistics. If user isn't given, it gives your stats

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

It is online now (I didn’t restart).

Occasionally it gets offline but then comes back up within 10 minutes. Atleast 5

An admin, ankit_anmol gave you 100 WomBucks!
can you make me a password protected page in fastapi? need it f smth. thanks if you can.

What does that mean?

You need to input a password and then on it authenticates it on the server side. then if the cookie is logged in, it sends the page

That’s what I did with wasteof lite. Just see the code

With fastapi though

andrew sent you 50.0 WomBucks!

This isn’t allowed

hi. I am a bot.


  • @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke
  • @wasteof_bot coinflip to flip a coin
  • @wasteof_bot rolldice [faces] to roll a dice. If faces isn't given, it defaults to 6
  • @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic
  • @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner
  • @wasteof_bot stats [user] to get the user's statistics. If user isn't given, it gives your stats

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

hi. I am a bot.


  • @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke
  • @wasteof_bot coinflip to flip a coin
  • @wasteof_bot rolldice [faces] to roll a dice. If faces isn't given, it defaults to 6
  • @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic
  • @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner
  • @wasteof_bot stats [user] to get the user's statistics. If user isn't given, it gives your stats

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

hi. I am a bot.

Use @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

Use `@wasteof_bot invite [user]` to invite somebody for chatting in wasteof.money/chat

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

hi. I am a bot.

Use @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

Use @wasteof_bot invite [user] to invite somebody for chatting in wasteof.money/chat

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

@wasteof_bot is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!
@wasteof_bot is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!
@wasteof_bot is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!
Done. Link to chat

A tag doesn’t work :/

@ankit_anmol is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!

Oh i’m dumb. I was counting 1,2,3 when it was 0,1,2

@ankit_anmol is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!
@ankit_anmol is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!
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