…cool? A social media site that my school hasn’t blocked yet. Okay, it is cool. Why am I posting this? No one cares about my opinion. I mean, why would they? Why would you? WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?! WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME TALKING TO MYSELF?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS POST?! WHAT IS LIFE?! Oh, you’re reading it because it’s pinned? Okay, that makes sense. Sort of.
Me, frantically trying to convince myself that it's just me I'm smelling, ‘cause my nose is a jerk.
Hello again, Watsteof.money! I'm just looking at my phone and crap because I can't sleep. It's been windy as hell today and it's pouring out. How's your day been? Hopefully you got lucky and there are no absolutely monstrous tree limbs lying in your yard?
Who wants me to spoil all of Harry Potter? No? TOO BAD >:)
“The premise is death. There’s lots of death. Some death, a bit of death, and more death. The main guy dies, and then comes back to life and kills the evil Guy With no Nose. (That last part actually was a spoiler, lol)“
We played Gimkit in class today, and I won. By a very large margin. The person in second place had $138 (we were playing Fishtopia) and I had $998. And then I showed up for the second class and won again. Cosmic Cove is the key to winning.
Last week in the car, somehow LGBTQ+ was brought up in a conversation. I mentioned something about the full abbreviation having a two, and my mom looked back at me while saying, “Well, I would not know as I am not part of the community.” She looked me dead in the eyes. I'm a bit concerned that she guessed.
…cool? A social media site that my school hasn’t blocked yet. Okay, it is cool. Why am I posting this? No one cares about my opinion. I mean, why would they? Why would you? WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?! WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME TALKING TO MYSELF?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS POST?! WHAT IS LIFE?! Oh, you’re reading it because it’s pinned? Okay, that makes sense. Sort of.