
An unofficial account to post some Rec Room news and rec.net posts. (ping me to get your Rec Room picture posted here.)

Welcome to rec.net (not the real thing tho)

We will post news and posts from rec.net, and even your screenshots! (if you ask politely of course :D)

(added after my PSA) Also, do not follow or believe @recroom, as they are not real.

May 3, 2022, 11:24 PM
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Apparently, there is an account named @recroom that is not the real Rec Room. Don’t follow them. They have lied about being the real Rec Room staff, including inspect elemented screenshots of the person logged into the Rec Room twitter page, and has recently changed their pinned post to: “crapper dogs, looks like this account isn't real oops sory,” which is obviously not Rec Room staff.

Welcome to rec.net (not the real thing tho)

We will post news and posts from rec.net, and even your screenshots! (if you ask politely of course :D)

(added after my PSA) Also, do not follow or believe @recroom, as they are not real.

May 3, 2022, 11:24 PM
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