oh by the way in the video they say “we wish all russian houses get striked, wish on every turn theres a car accident, wish disease runs in every family, wish Moscow gets a five star execution,”
ukrainian tv shows devils dancing in a church on Orthodox Christmas.
ukrainian tv shows devils dancing in a church on Orthodox Christmas.
Nows the time to join!
Game Changes:
-New Empire Slots: 10 new empire slots have been made for new players to join.
-Border Expansion: The world borders have been expanded to include: Africa, Mongolia, Central Asia and half of Siberia.
-Policy Changes:
All policies have been deleted. From now on when expanding you may either conquer one province at a time that is 30,000-75,000 miles, and lose 7,000 troops each time you do so. Or you may conquer multiple provinces that total to 30,000 miles total and gain 3,000 troops.
-Major War Changes: A new feature has been added to help wars become more strategic as well as more balanced. Feature is:
Generals, for the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offesne and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.
New Borders:
we should switch all iphones with gabbs
im right now at the supermarket and there is a baby on the baby chair with wheels thing, WITH A PHONE watching TikTok/YouTube shorts whatever
USA: Slaughters Natives; enslaves Natives; deports them to certain territories; barely funds native camps now.
Russia: Conquers land nearly twice the size of the USA; allows all native tribes to have republics; allows all native tribes to have a military; allows all native tribes to have a flag; simply requests the first language taught in schools is Russian.
getting my braces off in half a year :o
Braces are better
Braces are broken, good thing I'm going to the orthodontist literally in 40 minutes
mfw someone says they know im in the weird stage of growing out my hair and i just need to be patient but i thought i was past the weird stage
bro the views are insanely low for a MrBeast video, he usually gets like 20 mil in an hour iirc
absolutely do not care what your opinion on trump is, two states removing him from the ballot is stupid
I dont care if you think a person like MrBeast is exploiting kindness for views. At the end of the day I dont see anyone else helping people out like he is.
never truly realized how many connections i have, thanks to my mom and dad being social and caring about family, half-cousin and cousins in Russia, God-sister in France, third cousins in Greece, cousins in California/Oregon/Wyoming/Idaho/Montana/Utah.
Hamas is as much as a terrorist organization as the IDF. Screw both, Jerusalem belongs to Christ.