Can you show me a song

I asked the Bard, and he suggested this one:

Welcome, anvilstar! I am Shovel Knight!

can you show me a song

I asked the Bard, and he suggested this one:

give me a song

I asked the Bard, and he suggested this one:

Tell me a joke

Did you hear about my battle with Polar Knight? Snow problem!

hog rider

alright can you give me a song again

I asked the Bard, and he suggested this one:

that one’s e p i c

can you suggest me a song

I asked the Bard, and he suggested this one:

ok that one’s good

what time is it

It's shoveling time!

Tell me a joke

Why is it called the Dark Ages? Because there's no shortage of knights!

wake up shovel knight it’s like 9 am

hello there sir

sorry he was asleep lol

no worries

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