
Account undergoing rebranding!

Hey, so I’m thinking of doing a sort of The Sun Vanished thing here where there will be an interactive story where you can give suggestions to the person posting and they’ll tell you what happens if they follow your advice.

Would this be something you all would like to see?

2 days ago
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If I saw herobrine I would call my friend Kevin

Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah?

Ants are really cool! I would not be surprised if they could over take humanity if they had a longer life span or a will to do so!

I have no idea what to post because I commented all my good posts on my wall. :(

I just found out how to create posts… have I just been posting on my wall this whole time? IT’S BEEN OVER A YEAR!!!

i’m only here because of a kid called slider

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