
get absolutely trolled

“dude, i wanna see if this shit being announced on opening night live is entertaining, stop skimming through the video”


i really really REALLY fucking hate my friends sometimes holy shit

2017 or whatever the fuck that new le scary sonic probably fnf adjacent thing is has really started to grind my gears lately … i dont fucking get whats so cool or “funny” about it its another le scary hedgehog !!! look hes SUBTLY DIFFERENT !!! waow !!! dude i dont fucking care its just the same shit again its BORING AS FUCK DO SOMETHING ELSE !!!

one of my friends has a really hard time letting something go without making someone else look stupid or wrong or some shit and it pisses me off : )

im sure one day my friends will see this catalogue of annoyances so i will explain something

the reason why i get pissy about seeing fnf stuff is because i think everything these people do are lame and boring ! it is all so predictable and formulaic ! i have no interest in it and when you start talking about that shit i am obviously left out and being left out makes me very very sad so in a case where i probably wouldnt care all that much i have instead grown resentful. there is your explanation .

i am tired of sonic in general. i wish my friends would shut the fuck up about sonic.

i think car is fucking stupid and everything that gurgney does is mid and im tired of constantly seeing it

hello two new followers, expect absolutely nothing of substance from me (unless you care about the rants of some dude about his friend group)

now to the rant

i dont care how “good” or “cool looking” a fucking fnf sonic exe clone is the concept is innately stupid and i dont want to hear about any of them. do something else this is so boring

honestly this could extend to the whole “video game character if it was eeeevil!!” thing as a whole, stop making these fucking characters

being in a voice call with friends and two of them start playing something together MOVE CHANNELS I CANT GET A FUCKING WORD IN

if i had a girlfriend that offered me head i would legitimately consider ending the relationship then and there, its such a “sex purely for sensation” act and its so shallow and boring

my head would be put on a PIKE if i said anywhere my buds were listening that cats do not evoke any emotions from me

thinking about using this old abandoned account as a readable scream into the void so i can air out my grievances with stuff and my sensitive and delicate opinions under the guise of someone potentially listening

i am phobic to many things, hetero aint one


Nov 7, 2021, 2:59 PM
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