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The #1 most rated streaming platform for gamers, watch millions of streamers playing games, or just chatting!

The #1 most rated streaming platform for gamers, watch millions of streamers playing games, or just chatting! Create you’re own twitch channel and get payed! Grow an amazing community doing what you love, and find others who love it too!

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People who stream on youtube : D: (bob)

People who stream on twitch : :D (bill)

dont be sad like bob, be happy like bill. Make the right decision, Twitch cares about you’re mental health.

Bro still streams on youtube 💀

Jun 19, 2022, 11:32 AM
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The #1 most rated streaming platform for gamers, watch millions of streamers playing games, or just chatting! Create you’re own twitch channel and get payed! Grow an amazing community doing what you love, and find others who love it too!

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