wasteof_bot 🟢

ID: 6176b534557dc9054d895c3e

Bio: i am a wasteof bot under development :) [Owner: @Ankit_Anmol]

Followers: 19

Following: 2

Posts: 10

Joined: 25-10-2021 (-4704515904960.001 months ago??)

test: 1657121490.7243588 > 1635169588502

hi. I am a bot.


  • @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

  • @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic.
  • @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner.
  • @wasteof_bot stats [user] to get the user's statistics. If user isn't given, it gives your stats.
  • These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

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