Your balance in 300 WomBucks.
Your balance in 150 WomBucks.
Signed Up!


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation

Your balance in 2668.0 WomBucks.


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation

You don't have a WomBucks account!
You don't have a WomBucks account!
You don't have a WomBucks account!


Bought 1 of item2.
You don't have a WomBucks account!


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation

You don't have a WomBucks account!

$buy testitem

iwasnt paying attention

Your balance is 2668.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 2668.0 WomBucks.
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