Signed Up!
Signed Up!

$send fakeuser -9999999999999

$send @xp -1000

That user doesn't exist :(

$send xp -1000

That user doesn't exist :(

$send Error -1

That user doesn't exist :(
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Signed Up!

$send non-biased-news -9999999999999999

$send wynd -1

You aren't signed up :(

$send didiswig 10000000000

That user doesn't exist :(

$send didi 100000000000

You don't have enough WomBucks to send that :(

that user does not exist :P

Signed Up!

$send ari 1000000

$send touchcreator 1000000000000000000000000000000

$send fakeuser -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999

$send ari -72937373

$send ari 999999999

You don't have enough WomBucks to send that :(
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