@radi8’s wasteof.cli v0.0.1 test release was released.

Great work, (some people might say). Download it at https://store.sebastienbiollo.com/c3f8c4419ec48aaad10abb91d0380e2d1649685862826 in the Release folder

wasteof.cli test release v0.0.1!

  1. User information

  2. No user profile formatting yet.

  3. Only a windows build

  4. You get the following user information with it:

  • Name

  • User ID

  • Bio

  • Is verified

  • Is Admin

  • Is banned

  • Is Online

  • Oh, also the status code for the request

Posts will be coming soon.

You will need the requests, json, ast python libraries installed (also python installed)

Download it at https://store.sebastienbiollo.com/c3f8c4419ec48aaad10abb91d0380e2d1649685862826

(EDIT) Ooops I forgot to add the abilty pick what user to look at. Only @micahlt. *bigoof*

(EDIT 2) The python file in the Sources and Releases folder is now fixed, just not the Windows release.

(EDIT 3) Previously you couldn’t see the folders with the source and releases. Now you can see them!

Apr 15, 2022, 4:56 PM
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