
software developer, musician​, and artist


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

happy valentine's day, GirlfriendNotFoundException was thrown

wasn’t too bad, honestly. i don’t have a whole lot to say, besides that they let me listen to hawaii part ii during it.

getting my wisdom teeth out today :(

getting my wisdom teeth out today :(

a bill has been introduced in the US for when we gain greenland; the point of it is to rename it to the ‘red white and blue land.’ what a joke.

sometimes i feel embarrassed to be an American.

I’ve been making a movie for the last 8 months.

It’s called Childish Things and here’s the trailer: https://youtu.be/qICTLUBjAmo

I’ll let you know where it’s playing in festivals over the next few months.

The movie will be public this summer.

the circus is back

i feel bad for all the small business owners/creators that used tiktok but also at the same time if your only source of income is from tiktok, you should really reevaluate your business strategy

speedrunning making 3 autonomous programs the night before robotics qualifiers >>

life update

  • college class that i’m doing started today

  • ftc qualifiers are in two days and we're very very not prepared

  • i learned that the girl i liked/went to a dance with is now dating one of my “friends” :(

Jan 16, 2025, 10:19 PM
9 0 3

when life doesn't give you a micro usb otg cable, make your own

hacky new year

i got my driver’s license!!!

merry christmas!

tfw I have 1200 more solder joints to make and there is 12 days til Christmas

just signed up for a college class wish me luck 🙏🙏