Today I got vscode for the first time. Before I did all my coding on replit. I love it so far


Same here - started with Windows Notepad, moved to Codecademy IDE, then to Repl when it got popular, got my own PC and installed Atom, then finally moved to VSCode this year when I realized that Atom is basically out of support.

dude, how did you even function?? vscode is the single best tool for most coders.

To be fair, replit is pretty good for beginners. But from what I've seen of vscode so far, it seems so much better. Just let me install live server and replit is over for me

If you're looking for a good place to install a code-server, I've found Oracle's Always Free machines to be amazing - up to 8 cores and 24GB of RAM for free, forever.

Ooh, im gonna check that out tomorrow. It sounds really nice. My dad also has a server though it doesn't look very good. I don't know the specs but it doesn't even have a fan if that tells you anything. And I'd have to share it with my brother's code. Still, it would be better than nothing

Sure! Here’s the link to Oracle if you want it: