Couldn’t find a perfect Vue 3/Vite template that matched my preferences, so I made one.  If you like vanilla JS, the Composition API, automatically imported components, Vue Router with a pages folder, and lazy-loaded routes then you should check it out - saves a lot of time on deleting and editing boilerplate code created by npm create vite:


I never really understood frameworks like react or whatever. I kind of get that they make it easier to create a site, but I’ve tried it and it doesn’t really help? Idk maybe I’m missing the main point lmao

Really all depends on what you’re doing - for a lot of situations, pure HTML/CSS/JS works perfectly fine. However, anything with lots of pages that requires lots of user interaction, displayed data, complicated routing, or really anything else that’s complex can be made much easier with a framework. Personally, the reason I like Vue is because of SFCs (single-file components) which are essentially individual files that contain all the needed scripts, styles, and content for a piece of a website. For example, on jeffalo uses a single Post.vue component that can be placed anywhere on the site without having to recode it. He just has to use “import Post from “./Post.vue” and then he can use it like an HTML element (<Post content=”content” />

that’s really cool! i’ll totally check it out

wow you like emojis

Oh you bet, gotta have that graphical aid :P

yeah lol