crapper dogs, looks like this account isn't real oops sory

May 2, 2022, 10:40 PM
1 0 16


So you finally admit it?

FUCK YOU PUSSY האָן סאַקער פאַקינג הור זויגן עס באַרען רעק צימער זויגן דיין אייגן האָן לאָך באַטש זינט איר טאָן ניט האָבן אַ כאַווערטע צו טאָן עס פֿאַר איר

Ima start a new comment thread, but anyways inspect element exists. If you want to prove you are real, like a jeffalo tweet or something, or just comment idk, you just don’t seem legit based on your evidence based entirely around the fact you didn’t use inspect element to take the screenshots

im not sure if this counts as evidence but, if you check the edit history of this post, the “-Gribbly” part was added in later

Always gotta sign my work!

You’re gonna have to prove that. Have fun

Is this enough proof?

Above is a twitter screenshot.

how is that proof

why is the email censored

Twitter does that on these types of accounts.

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