IAmA full-time wasteofian. Ask me anything!

EDIT: I’ll have to end it here because of the overwhelming amount of responses. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful questions!

May 4, 2022, 11:23 AM
3 0 14

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How do you make a living?

Brand deals! I’ve signed a bunch of contracts so I can’t share much financial details and I’m also not allowed to talk about brands I’ve worked with in the past, this is part of my business model. However I can say that about 70% of my posts were made with the help of a sponser. I am considering making public sponsered posts because those pay more but I have to remember that this was and still is a hobby of mine because I don’t want to become a sell-out. Sorry for the vague reply. I hope this answers your questions!

Interesting thankyou!

Interesting if hoe would one get sponsered?

Your account already looks viable for sponsered posts (but obviously only if you want to). I personally have a lot of connections with people and brands that help me get these deals. I like this approach more since I don’t want my business email spammed full with annoying fanart and requests for money. But if you don’t have these connections then I would recommend putting your business email in your bio and the deals will start flooding in. There isn’t a simple answer to this question but I hope this helped!

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