IAmA full-time wasteofian. Ask me anything!

EDIT: I’ll have to end it here because of the overwhelming amount of responses. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful questions!

May 4, 2022, 11:23 AM
3 0 14


do you too waste money

I’d rather not admit it but… yes I do! Not all of my money is going to a bad cause, although I do think my employees demand too much income. They should be happy that they are even able to work for me in the first place smh. They keep telling me that they’ll quit if I “don’t pay them”. Can you believe it? Most of my money is well-spent though. I’ll spare you the details but I can say that I’m really happy with my purchases. Thanks for the great question!

wow can not believe that

thanks for the answer

do u use scratchtools

Sorry, I don’t. I just looked into it and I can tell it’s useful in some areas so I should give it a try some day. I am however worried that it might interfer with my current scratch extension: Scratch Addons. I think it’s absolutely amazing that more people are making scratch extensions like this! Please keep working on it because I’m sure many people are going to like it. By the way, I saw you were also working on a wasteof statistics page so I’m excited to see how that turns out!

Thanks! Also, I know world languages quite well, and many other developers. Personally, I also use scratch addons, and there aren’t any bugs between them, we’ve made sure of it. I’m not trying to push you to get it, just trying to clear things up. Thanks, and yes, the statistics page will be out soon!!

How do you feel Abt the changes to the top user page?

I assume you’re talking about the new faces appearing on the explore page so that’s what I’m going to be basing my answer on.

It’s awesome! I love seeing new people join wasteof. This platform simply has so much potential. People on there are so creative and I must admit that I secretly check the new posts of most people on there even though I’m not following them, maybe I should consider following more people :) . Of course I would like the explore page more if I was a bit higher on the list but the people above me really deserve their spot!

How do you make a living?

Brand deals! I’ve signed a bunch of contracts so I can’t share much financial details and I’m also not allowed to talk about brands I’ve worked with in the past, this is part of my business model. However I can say that about 70% of my posts were made with the help of a sponser. I am considering making public sponsered posts because those pay more but I have to remember that this was and still is a hobby of mine because I don’t want to become a sell-out. Sorry for the vague reply. I hope this answers your questions!

Interesting thankyou!

Interesting if hoe would one get sponsered?

Your account already looks viable for sponsered posts (but obviously only if you want to). I personally have a lot of connections with people and brands that help me get these deals. I like this approach more since I don’t want my business email spammed full with annoying fanart and requests for money. But if you don’t have these connections then I would recommend putting your business email in your bio and the deals will start flooding in. There isn’t a simple answer to this question but I hope this helped!