IAmA full-time wasteofian. Ask me anything!

EDIT: I’ll have to end it here because of the overwhelming amount of responses. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful questions!

May 4, 2022, 11:23 AM
3 0 14

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How do you feel Abt the changes to the top user page?

I assume you’re talking about the new faces appearing on the explore page so that’s what I’m going to be basing my answer on.

It’s awesome! I love seeing new people join wasteof. This platform simply has so much potential. People on there are so creative and I must admit that I secretly check the new posts of most people on there even though I’m not following them, maybe I should consider following more people :) . Of course I would like the explore page more if I was a bit higher on the list but the people above me really deserve their spot!

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