Project discontinued; i will no longer check messages on this account.

Please follow the creator of this project - - > @LankyBox01

A bigger and better project’s on that way!


🥲 Locking forward to makelabs


app.get('/boo', (req, res) => {

res.json({boo: "👻"});



RiverBox is discontinued??

yeah 🥲

Although, there will be a new project that will be more stable and better in many aspects. I mainly discontinued RiverBox because iwas demotivated for the past few days (hence absolutely 0 progress on 1.7) and the code was a literal mess, with a lot of XSS possibilities, template strings, very hard loading (and not to mention the API which had literally so many &flaws - you could've crashed it in 2 lines of code)

That's rough :(

technically riverbox is stii continued but it's called MakeLabs and has an integrated IDE. Most of the code and design is taken from there.

So essentially Scratch minus blocks?

i ran into some issues and basically makelabs is deleted

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