OSWars Can’t Continue Like That

We’ve recently seen how the 7th iteration of OSWars, hosted by a Communist and a weird Seal, is going down by moments. BlueOS is now without a stable leader, because the baby Core_option left and 111010911 (what a weird username) is apparently joining orange. RedOS has the quality of a shit, but I hope it gets better with the good designers they have. By the way, why is omar_BESTcoder in RedOS and did nothing? Isn’t he the creator of Oryx OS?… Orange is a chaos, with tons of studios and a bad-designed OS with lots of bugs and visual glitches. And rumours say that Green is going to do a pixel art OS, and one of the new leaders just was on the team for like 3 days… This can’t continue like that, we need a change.

It’s obvious how less effort was put in this OSWars comparing it to the past one. Lack of leadership and bad hosts make competitions die.

There’s also TealOS, that seems to be dead also. TealOS, if you don’t know, was the principal thing that made OSWars fail.

We seriously need a change if we want the competition to continue… Think about it!


By the Waste of News Team ❤️


From a former RedOS 7 Dev — Yeah, there’s not a lot of activity, but I seem to remember all of our builds being stupidly polished. Like to the point where it was slowing down development. Okay, maybe I, and several other peoples procrastination also lead to the slow develop. But… shush.

Wait how many teams are there now? When I was around, they’d just introduced Amber, so only 4 teams. Also wow OSWars 7?? the last one I remember is 5 lol

it’s red, blue, orange and green, so 4.

Orange is the son of amber

And last year there was violet OS lol

whats ur discord

We might have a story

It’s mainly because of TealOS

Blame OS wars for having such bad competition and for being so inclusive. You may also blame teal for being such a good color. Teal OS isn’t dead, it’s just paused until we’re freed from school.

also we’ve removed omar_BESTcoder

Why? Also I love your WM :)

i’m slightly confused

also we removed omar_BESTcoder because he was too inactive and didn’t even respond when we gave him a notice

May I join the wastof news team?

OS Wars has historically fallen apart almost every year - this isn’t unusual.

What if they made a linux wars? and the winner gets to keep 100,000 dollars, and each member gets 1,000