Today, we gathered here to mourn our lost browser. The browser that kickstarted the Internet into what we have now.

On its almost 3 decades lifetime, this program has had a lot of ups and downs. Lawsuits, competitions from others, security problems, etc. And just today, after its 27-year long journey, this aging piece of software has now sent its last request, now set aside into its retirement and the underdue obsolescense.

Rest in peace, Internet Explorer. You will always be missed.


Refer to my TBGForums reply again lol

(In short, IE was an awful piece of intrusive software, a vessel for Microsoft’s attempt to monopolize and control the internet which dragged the rest of the internet down for decades due to its market share and loads of missing features that every other browser already supported. Good riddance)

I’ve brought up this Blixer guy and a lot of party decors, when are we going to start the party?

I could search this up, but I like living with the thought that for all I know it could be entirely made up by someone on wasteof

Thankfully, is the only place on the internet where people can blindly trust misinformation