I “tried” to do it, but it “seems impossible” to me. I “think” I’ll quit.

I bet you guys can't make a sentence without using the letters "a" or "y"!

Jun 17, 2022, 1:27 AM
2 1 8


Once one figures it out, it's not even close to difficult. One must just give it ones best shot. Now if it were the letter "i" it would be much more difficult, but like it is it's quite simple

Noticed something weird going on with these comments I’m writing?

Yeah, ik. Mine was a joke too

If someone else thinks it’s possible, then prove me wrong. I’m confident it’s not possible to write something without those letters.

It's super difficult, right?

I just checked the comments on the post. I liked the sentences written, but none of them looked like common speech. Every single one looked forced to just follow the rules.

Indeed. Few looked like normal sentences. Obviously something restricted them.

I can't believe I screwed up this badly