so can html/javascript pros help me here with something (for something i’m working on)

i have a part of a webpage that i want to replace when a condition is met

i already have the if-statement, but when i use methods to replace the innerHTML, it doesn’t work

so uhh how do i replace a multiline html element with multiline html?

(sorry if this post is confusing)

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All of my JavaScript is placed in a script.js file and I put the script load tags at the top of the page, just above the CSS load tags. I don’t think that’s the exact cause, it’s probably more of the code I’m trying to use, but I can’t test because I’m using an IDE.

You need to put the defer attribute on your script tag, otherwise you cannot put it in the head. For example: <script src=. . . defer>

It’s not in the head, it’s in the body, (in fact there is no head in the file yet)

Use defer

just tested, it didn’t change anything, the code still doesn’t work

so it’s not the script placement, it’s the code itself that’s the issue

Does it produce an error?

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