how can i control my anger issues so i dont beat up my siblings (because they are the root problem for my anger issues)


Just yell and scream to get it out. It helps. Also bonking your head on the wall can help forget things AND you can lose some calories during it too!

why do you want to beat your siblings

  • constant yelling and screeching

  • bugging the hell out of me

  • not using common sense (rookie mistake)

  • tattle telling on me for no reason

  • hitting me

  • blaming stuff on me

  • ect ect

if they hit you, why won't you hit them back?

that's common sense

because i am stronger than them

and will get in trouble by my parents ofc

that's soo unfair bruh

no it isnt

no it isnt

I feel you

I got 2 younger sister’s lol

I understand dude, I have 2 younger siblings and the youngest is VERY annoying in similar ways to your siblings