give suggestions for wasteof userscripts NOW!!!

here’s a list of all userscripts i’m gonna work on (check @8bit-userscripts for updates, downloads, and other stuff):

Symbol Key List:

  • No Symbol - Will work for wasteof2 and wasteof3

  • * - Will be developed for wasteof3 first, then will be reprogrammed to work on wasteof2

  • ! - Will only work/be developed for wasteof3.

  • make all posts look like they’re posted by the same person (suggested by @scoldercreations) *

  • edit the layout of your entire page, not just your sidebar (will use an external server so that multiple people can have custom layouts) !

  • remove all CSS (suggested by @polygon)

Aug 30, 2022, 4:44 PM
3 1 7


@8bit when will this come?

dont think its happening anymore… its been like 4 months now

Remove all css

great idea

all posts look like they were made by the same user

ooh, good one. i’ll work on it when I get home from school

ill let you customize it