best forumer list

  1. han12345678 - constructive, never gets involved in drama, definitely isnt terminally online

  2. scoldercreations - SHOVEL NIGHT IS DA BEST 🤓

  3. ceebee - least lgbtqianp+ st member

  4. differentd🤢nce8 - constructive 💯

  5. ME ME ME ME (if you do not agree i will throw a fit 😡👶

worst forumer list

  1. maximouse - he is smart but that make my self esteem go poopoo so he is 🤓

  2. catsunited - anime pfp detected, opinion rejected

  3. potoplant - watch this, he gets mad if you say “c# bad” 😂

  4. za-cary - UNBASED 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 ST is based. za-cary not on ST. ∴ za-cary unbased. ARGU WITH ME FOOLS, YOU KNOW YOUR WRONG

  5. chioroyce - he is so based he circles back to unbased 😎🕶😭


What’s wrong with LGBTQ+?

most societally productive scoldercreations comment: