So - here's the thing. I don't really have much motivation or anything pushing me to work on the NBO/NBN much. I am a 13 year old kid and have a long life ahead of me. I want to do something besides make news. I want to be a devloper. Want to have more IRL friends… I can't always use my computer, so that limits a lot of what I can do - I can't post images much, I am always late on the news, I and there is not really much point to the NBO. We don't really do much, and I do not want this to turn out what my life is. @polaris does a great job at this (a lot better if I'm being honest) and is an actual org instead of us - some 13yo kid that just wants to have some followers on here. I can admit that I kinda got caught up in the whole "getting addicted to social media" thing. The first thing I do in the morning is getting up and checking wasteof. I want to get away from technology & social media and work on SparkLab; something actually benificial to society. I am thinking about disbanding the NBO and just making this into my personal account. I will need to do some thinking - and I need your opinion as well.. I can say that I am not leaving wasteof. I have made a lot of friends and met some really cool people. I don't want to go away from that. Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on about this. But just let me say- it was.hard writing this post. :( The NBO just stresses me out a bit.

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