Genshin players are DEFINITELY botting this, the votes went from Frontiers solid winning to Genshin overpowering everyone. Regardless of who else wins, we CANNOT lose to Genshin. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Sonic Frontiers is now like 2-4% above Genshin, and God of War is actually getting close to beating Genshin as well. 

We can’t let Genshin Impact win GOTY for 2022.

Sonic Frontiers is the closest candidate to beating them, and needs a whole bunch of votes to overcome the bots voting for Genshin (yes, bots.)

Here’s the link to vote:


Genshin the game is alright but the community can suck

I think it’s mid. Has elements of a good game, but it focuses way too much on questionable character design and the same features that make mobile games so lousy. It SHOULD NOT be a 2022 Player’s Choice pick though, it’s a 2020 game.

Yes I fully agree

I hate P2W (and freemium) games because I’m poor :(