Web Presence Positional System

version 1.0.1 (need to find a better name, also previous revision should be 1.0.1)

@gilbert189                     (user)
gilbert189                      ([alternative form])
@clicky{Clicky The Calculator}  (user with full name)
#chat                           (domain section)
@/chat                          ([alternative form])
:wasteof.money                  (domain)
@wasteof.money                  ([alternative form, note the dot])
@.example                       ([for dotless domain names])
@gilbert189#mineralfish         (section-specific user)
#termux:libera.chat             (domain-specific section)
#[email protected]             ([alternative form])
@libera.chat/termux             ([alternative form])
:libera.chat#termux             ([alternative form])
@Gilbert189:darflen.com         (domain-specific user)
@Gilbert189@darflen.com         ([alternative form])

Extended WPPS
@Gilbert189:darflen.com - @gilbert189:wasteof.money
(equivalence of users in different domains)
#mineralfish:libera.chat - #chat:tbgforums.com
(bridge of sections in different domains)
Dec 11, 2022, 4:28 AM
0 0 3


i propose @/chat and @libera.chat/termux as domain section syntax

or #chat and libera.chat#termux

(with a : that I forgot)