
i don't like smart quotation marks. ascii quotes ftw

Rest in assets. (Now we only have cubeupload.)

Good news: The forums is back

Bad news: assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image is possibly in the filter

EDIT: They removed the mobile view as well :(

Nov 30, 2023, 5:25 PM
13 2 2
Nov 30, 2023, 5:38 PM
9 1 0

scratch just became purple today.

wasteof.money was always purple.

just accidentally entered replit.com instead of reddit.com in a url

scratch premium

without it, you can’t

  • use custom blocks

  • use vector costumes

  • use blocks like “set drag mode“

  • basically it’s just 1.4

with it, you can:

  • make custom reporters

brainfuck premium:

without it you cant:

  • use +, [], and ,

node.js premium:

without it you cant:

  • use libraries

thats it

idea: rust+ subscription

without it you can’t:

  • use unsafe { … } blocks

  • use extern crates

  • make more than 5 mods

  • use structs

it gives you

  • class structs ohmigod class structs i miss class structs please give me them back

Idea: JavaScript+ subscription:

Without it you can’t:

  • make http requests

  • use modules

  • make more than 50 variables (not including globals and such)

  • And you can’t use let or const variables

It gives you:

  • extra globals

  • top-level await

  • early access to new features

  • up to 2000 variables

  • can use let and const

imagine if scratch had a premium subscripton

like if you were using it for free you

can’t make custom blocks

can only share 50 projects

and with premiun

you acn make custom blocks

can share up to 2000 projects!

scratch’s motto seems to be “move slowly and keep the broken things broken”

mine’s “don’t move at all but still manage to break things”

facebook’s old motto was “move fast and break things”

wasteof’s motto appears to be “move slowly but still manage to break things”

the breakdown

congrats on wasteof!

you can now getting the breakdown:

  1. you’ve haven’t created a diet for ten follows until you :p i get some of music while getting the car later in to.

for some reason gg sans (the new discord font) reminds me of space grotesk (the wasteof3 font)

(also why doesn’t ctrl+enter post the post in wasteof)

such interesting


IMPORTANT UPDATE, PLEASE SEE HERE: https://wasteof.money/posts/636c0ce3c20a476c755c46ce#comments-636d30a4c20a476c755c47c5

jeffalo shared this on Discord, so I think it’s ok to share here, very sad moment

Nov 5, 2022, 9:40 AM
28 13 16

griffpatch's scratch account is 10 years and one day old today


tiktok is the pit of human stupidity

Okay so I have just recently learned how stupid people are (This is all TikTok related). Apparently there was a “Light yourself on fire challenge” try to guess what people did? They lit themselves on fire… with gasoline. Also there was a blackout challenge where people held their breath to blackout. Guess what? People died. They didn’t know oxygen was a necessary thing to live

Oct 20, 2022, 2:13 PM
20 10 14