It's obvious at this point that Oren didn't do it, because he would never spam his favourite website with among us jokes, which he never makes, by the way, for no reason.


well apparently the IP of the spammer and oren were the same so I think it probably was him… no clue why he would do this

That seems like condemning evidence, but it still makes no sense to me

I’m reaching out to him on discord, hope he replies

someone else could have taken his device or used the site on his wifi perhaps?

He could also have a dynamic IP, so it could've been passed to someone else, but that's actually very unlikely.

that is extremely unlikely and pretty much impossible

If it was the same IP then it was probs oren tbf

Why would he do that?

Revenge against the hate?

That doesn't make a lot of sense to do after an apology. I really doubt it

he mainly uses an apple watch, which would be hard to take

and even if someone did take his device, it’s his fault for not securing it

See my latest post