America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

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Roads, libraries, parks, fire department, police, satellites (GPS), defending the nation from other countries/threats, environmental protection, emergency medical services, courts, they pass laws that protect peoples' rights, Social Security payments help 51 million Americans, they feed 38 million starving people a year, etc. Republicans often try to ignore/pretend none of this stuff exists when talking about government.

They also waste at least $247 billion per year (according to, which could be used as tax cuts. In fact, I think everything the government does could be made a lot more efficient.

Sure, but saying they don’t do anything seems untrue 🙃

Also, that’s only ~200 billion out of the 6.3 trillion they spend every year on really, really important stuff 👍

They only got about $4.9 trillion in taxes in 2022, the rest was borrowed on credit (which they’re never going to pay back). And they make a lot of money through printing new money (inflation). Fixing the government so it doesn’t need debt or inflation to run is one of the main things they need to do. It’s really bloated right now.

And one way to do that is to raise taxes for the ultra-rich and big business (not the middle class)! Instead of focusing on this solution, which only a few politicians (Bernie Sanders) are supporting, most are ignoring it.

Why do we have to raise taxes only on the rich? Just because they’re rich doesn’t mean they’re evil! If someone is super successful, why do we try to take it from them?

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